Love Gwaltney, a pregnant mom in Ohio, wanted to do a gender reveal party. But it wasn’t for the baby growing inside her. It was for her 17-year-old son transgender son Grey.
“We wanted to announce that we got it wrong 17 years ago when we told the world we were having a little girl, and named that child McKenzie,” the mom posted on Facebook. “So, we’d like to introduce you to our SON: Grey.”
Love and her husband Brandon were dressed in pink and blue, as in a typical gender reveal party. But when they opened the box of balloons for the gender reveal, Grey popped out along with yellow, white, black, and purple balloons which are the colors of the non-binary flag. The 17-year-old also revealed his pronouns which were he, him, and his.
Grey Schoolcraft, who is a senior in high school, helped plan the party. He personally chose the colors for the balloons and also picked blue, white, and pink for the cake to represent the transgender pride flag.
“I wanted the transgender flag in there because I still feel that going from whatever you are originally to nonbinary is also a transition and it doesn’t just have to be straight female to male,” Schoolcraft said.
Before revealing to his parents that he was non-binary and trans, he was hesitant. However, when he finally came out to his parents, he had nothing to worry about since he was accepted lovingly by his immediate family as well as his extended family.
“To have that burden lifted off his shoulders felt “refreshing,” the teen said.
“You’ve been going by one name all your life and to suddenly go by a new name, especially when your parents call you by it, it’s weird and has to register in your brain. But it’s definitely 100% worth it and I’m glad we had (the reveal party).”
When Love posted the pictures on Facebook, she never intended it to go viral. She revealed that the post was meant for friends and family only. But with the outpouring of love through heartwarming comments by strangers, she redacted her statement about making the post private. Since it was posted, the pictures have been shared over 50,000 times and has received 60,000 likes.
Grey also shared a tidbit of wisdom for those who are also struggling with their gender identity or are scared to come out, reminding them that “you get to make life what you want it to be.” “So no matter what happens, even if someone doesn’t accept you, that’s not your fault, because you’re loved and you’re going to find people who will love and support you,” Schoolcraft said.
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