An Instagram Reel shared by Humans of Bombay shows a video of an 87-year-old grandmother and the story of how she had come to accept her trans granddaughter.
Netizens who saw the video described it as heartwarming. The short story features Kali’s grandmother who described the evolution of their relationship when Kali, who was assigned male at birth, came out to her as trans.
Initially, they did not have a great relationship when Kali came out. The grandmother described how she became ill because of how worried she was about how Kali would be treated by her relatives and other people. But after she got better, she realized that acceptance starts with her. As a sign of her support and love for Kali, she gave her one of her necklaces. She now introduces Kali as her granddaughter and expressed that she only cares about Kali’s happiness.
The video signed off with a touching message with Kali’s grandmother saying, “If I can be 87 & accepting, I’m sure so can you!”
The video has over 200+ thousand likes on Instagram and an outpouring of love in the comments section. Kali’s story is one that resonates among thousands in India where being trans is not widely accepted or tolerated.
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