The state capital Uttar Pradesh hosted a groundbreaking event: India’s first-ever Transgender Literary and Cultural Program which took place on March 1, 2024. The event provided a platform for members of the transgender community to engage in discussions about the significance of literature, art, and music in their journey towards societal acceptance.
Social welfare minister Asim Arun, an honored guest at the event, emphasized the state government’s unwavering dedication to ensuring equal opportunities for everyone. He explained how his department organized the festival to grant the transgender community a dignified place in society, enabling them to actively participate in the nation’s development. Arun also shed light on the government’s initiatives aimed at empowering the community through employment opportunities and support for new endeavors.
The program itself was a vibrant showcase of talent and self-expression, featuring poetry, recitations, street plays, dance performances, dramas, and ramp walks by members of the transgender community. Mahamandaleshwar Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi, a prominent figure within the community, commended the government’s efforts to foster inclusivity. She highlighted various government schemes aimed at providing employment opportunities, allowing transgender individuals to make meaningful contributions to society.
Furthermore, the event included a discussion on the Transgender Identity Certificate and its associated benefits. Participants explored topics such as accessing benefits under the SMILE scheme by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, as well as programs like Garima Grih, Ayushman Plus Card, and scholarships aimed at supporting transgender individuals.
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