A non-binary individual in Mexico has been issued a birth certificate recognizing their gender identity.
On February 11, 2022, LGBT Activist Fausto Martinez received the birth certificate from the central Mexican state of Guanajuato.
He shared the process of receiving the document on his Twitter page. The document states “NB” which stands for non-binary as their official sex.
The 26-year-old first requested to have the change on his birth certificate done in September 2021. But this request was denied. Martinez, however, was aided by human rights NGO Amicus and was given support by a judge who ruled for their gender recognition.
Martinez stated this on their Twitter post: “I have always said what is not named does not exist. For this reason, the transcendence of this fact, the Mexican state recognizes that non-binary people exist and with that, we are subject to rights and obligations.”
Martinez was interviewed by Mexican news agency EFE: “It is a collective achievement of non-binary people in Mexico, that our existence is legally recognized with all that that implies, making us a legal entity with rights and obligations.”
A gender identity law in 2014 was approved by Mexico making it easier for trans people to change their legal gender. The Supreme Court stated that denying trans people their legal right to change their name and gender is unconstitutional. Trans people in Mexico can legally change their gender information without requiring sex reassignment surgery, therapy, or any medical intervention.
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